Thursday, July 06, 2006

Monday was a fine Day.... After a sunny tan on Sunday, i'm a crab when i go to work... Aloe Vera All over me to prevent me from peeling.. hehehhe... With a nice nice tan, i tot at all will look good... We started off our 2nd phase of Renovation... and while looking for a box, i climb up to a higher platform... and when i stepped down.... DISASTER!!!!
i ScRAtCH My HanDs!!!! the egdes of the tape dispenser just ScraTcH Loudly Across my arm. ARHHHHHHHH....... After a nice tan, that's the last thing you ever want!!!! NOt Nice liao... hahhaha ( JUst Whinning, Again) hahhahah...

So Monday ain;t blue for me..... IT RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At night, we watch the Man with e Red underwear on the outside.... hahhahaha.... Come to think about it... Why a 1980s setting got Handphones.... The funniest part is not the show, but the people in the show.. hahha... Why Superman fainted after throwing the crystal into space, it was dead dead silence... But someone's phone went of with a message. "You Got a Message"..... hahhahaha.... Everyone just laughed and giggled.... hahhaha... what the guy expect, Superman to reply? Maybe things like "I've fainted, get the people to clear the way" or " Emergency, Call Ambulance" ... hahhaha... or "HELP!" ................... Dur....... Cinema lah.... Switch to Silent can..... hahhaha.....

I spotted a interesting car on Tues Morning... See for yourself.. hehhehe.... it's like a jeep so close to the floor.. hehhe... interesting..... hehehhe...

THurdays (06th July 2006): Today is J's brithday... hehhe Happy Birthday girl!!!!! :)
Had Dinner at Billy Bombers with Z... So so Fulll...... hahhahhaha..... nice just that the serving is so so Huge...!!! hehheehhe...
The Root Bear is HEaven!! Hahahha... NICE NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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