Monday, December 04, 2006

Hello World!!! Hello Fresh Air!!! hahhaha... No, I'm not jailed... hahhaha...

I'm using a mostly used sentence : "It's really been a while since I've updated the Blog" hahahaha...
I had been not well for the last few days... I had a few meetings on Tues (28/11/09), then Grin Drove me home at 12am.. i tried to sleep at 1am with the a dance routine in my mind... and Gosh, i woke up at 2am with a High Fever!!! I was So so sosososososososososososososososososososo sick that i puke the last night's dinner out... I'm a Mer-man (man version of Merlion) Hahhaha.. So this went on for days... Today, I;m still alive... Hhahahha..... Thank God... :)

I missed Swesens' Too... hai... when should we go eat again???

I have Christmas Gig Lining Up. Everyday is packed with Rehearsals and Practice... It's what i loved, but everything else have to put one side first... Hehehheheh.... Protect the mind, health and voice.. Hehhehe...

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