Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I’m working on my new Birthday wish list. HEHEehehe… Don’t wanna to receive things out the usable or those sink into a state of non-creativity and awful non-pratical jokes…. Well, sometime we must know that it’s not just the THOUGHT THAT COUNTS. The thoughts are highly expected of you if you are a close friend who know when my birthday is… hehhehe…

Honestly, I was shock at the boxers someone bought for someone for his birthday… don’t mind me… but, FOR WHAT?!?!??! I was very muCH caught aback…. People who knows me, they very well knows that birthdays are very significant to me. We are called to blessed others don’t we? THEN? BLESS!!! Birth-Day only comes once a year… Celebrate it well, or else forget it… don’t just go through the motion. Put the money into good use. It was just a shocker to me… if wanna play a prank, couple it with some thing nice and that the person will like it VERY MUCH. I still have that candid moment in my mind when he open up the present… the “high” expectation goes down to zero and it can be read all over his face… in a crowd like that, and under such pressure, who dare to say “No, I don’t like”. Look at the face man…. I just can’t imagine how I would react… I think my claws will come out.. hahha…

This year, for my birthday, it’s going to be a very memorable one… It’s on the very day that we would sing “REMEMBER US…. As We Give To You”… But the theme song this year is so nice….

“Now is the Time…

I Give My All To You
I Give My All To You

Pouring Out This Treasure You Gave,
In Your Promises, Our Hearts Turn Brave
I Will Arise, And Lay Down This Sacrifice,
As We’re Building Your House (On High)…”

Very Nice… we’ll sing it this week… hehehhe…
So, Birthday is gonna be near… It’ll go well!!! :)

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