Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A week jut swift pass without a warning. I've to learn how to focus and what to focus on. I'm aimming to keep myself fitter and lose off the access fat.. hahhaha.... funny rite... but i just want a healthier and stronger me. Had a privilege to know a new friend. Let's call him Mr. C. He told me that he shuts people up almost completely, but i feel honored that i manage to step right into his circle of comfort almost immediately. And chatting with someone is not the same anymore. (",) But come to think about it... i so 人见人爱。 每个人都喜欢和我谈天说地, 都喜欢我。 Hehehheheh.... what's new right... hahaha

It'll just be a normal conversation without much worries and just bring the heartiest things closer to the heart. and enjoying a person's companionship.

Today can go home early. Yea... hehehhe... so bed, here i come. :)

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